Another Inchie and Journal page

Hi All. Nice of you to visit my blog, thank you.

Only a couple of days since I posted my last inchie and a journal page but I will be getting back into the swing of things soon I hope.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is hotel

I immediately thought of the Eagles and Hotel California so added that to a blue felt inchie.

I got up at 2.45a.m to see the super moon. This meant hanging out of the bedroom window but unfortunately the moon disappeared around the corner of our house before it was complete.

I made a quick page for Art Journal Journey for the Through my Window theme as this certainly was through my window

This is a photograph I took when I first got up and the top of the moon was red

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Thanks for making another lovely digital page for Art Journal Journey. The inchie is wonderful, too, so hard to put something onto such a small piece. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Nice inchie and thanks for the Bloodmoon/Supermoon. I set alarm at 05.30, but here it was so cloudy that cuouldn't se anyting:(
    Have a wonderful day,
    hugs xx

  3. Clever, clever inchie. Beautiful photo. I love the moon in all its manifestations.

  4. Love the quote on your page Chrissie and the inchie is cute ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  5. Two great pieces of work Chrissie.

  6. I'd heard that just after 1am should see something - but looked same to me. I'd got a fairly good photo earlier in the night so at least had something. Woke up about 4.30am so I must have missed the best bit and I just got a shot of part shadow.. not easy leaning over a desk full of soft pastels in the dark :)
    Love your inchie - and now singing that song - no doubt for rest of day - thanks LOL.
    Have a great day........... Gill xx

  7. A super inchie. Its a fantastic Moon page. We had too much cloud cover to see much of this event.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Hi Chrissie, I love your little inchie as I love the Eagles ! The words on the moon are excellent, great work! Have a wonderful week, Shirleyxx

  9. Lovely inchie Chris! Your photo of the moon ist gorgeous and I love that you made such a wonderful digital page with it for Art Journal Journey!
    Thank you for linking to AJJ...
    I slept deeply... and didn't see Mr lovely red moon....

  10. Ah Hotel California... great memories! Splendid idea for an inchie... Love your moon page too, I would never have made the effort to come out of bed myself...

  11. Love the Hotel California. Great album and great inchie. We had a perfect view of the moon here in Arizona last night. And, it was in the evening, so we didn't have to get up for it either! So beautiful to see!

  12. I'm singing along with your inchie - very cool. I set my alarm too, and had a beautiful view from my window, but I was tempted down into the garden at one point too, and so glad I went. Extraordinary to have such a clear perception of the moon as a vast 3D object hanging there in the way that a vast 3D object really shouldn't. Quite unnerving too...
    Alison xx

  13. Great take on the inchie and cool that you saw the super moon. We missed it last night :(

  14. I wasn't so lucky to get to see the moon turning red, but it must have been an awesome sight!

    Blessings for a great day,
    Marianne xo

  15. great idea for your inchie - and the moon photo is awesome - especially that little bit of red.

  16. The moon really was worth setting the alarm for - we were lucky as it was directly in front of us! I love the inchie but I know what I will be singing all day! Chrisx

  17. You always think of something different, I love the way your mind works. The Hotel California inchie is particularly inspired.


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