Inchie and photographs

Hello Everyone. It is raining heavily here so I guess it will be a good day to sort more things out and pack them into boxes. Thank you for calling in, it is always good to have visitors.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the subject is necklace

I made a little necklace from glass beads and sewed it onto a felt inchie square.

I can't believe that we hardly took any photographs at all when we were on the west coast looking for place to live. Vic usually takes hundreds where ever we go. I  guess we were just too focused on the job in hand

I have added this as my new comments picture but it isn't very clear in the smaller version so thought I would show you the bigger one. I just love the sculpture at Fleetwood of a fisherman's wife, children and dog waiting for his return. Many didn't return as the Irish sea can be fierce. A passing motor cyclist was admiring the view and asked if we would like to have our photograph taken with the statue-wasn't that a lovely gesture. I think he saw that we were two old bikers :)

We took this one evening on the prom opposite where we were staying. We are looking forward to seeing sunsets as we don't get to see them here on  the east coast. It was also wonderful to see the Cumbrian fells in the distance as that is where we used to live years ago.

This was taken in a park in Lytham which is further down the coast and a very upmarket sort of place with prices way beyond what we can afford. It will be nice for a day out though and to sample the cafe culture there.

Promise to take more pics next time we go.

Have a nice day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Great inchie and awesome photos Chrissie, you and Vic look a handsome couple.xx

  2. You and Vic are adorable. I love the statues. So cool when you can walk among them. The night sky is beautiful and the inchie is great. I love crystals.

  3. Your inchie is so cute Chrissie ! Thank you for sharing your pics with us, they are great ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  4. Wonderful photos, you are both looking great, too. It really is a beautiful stretch of coast, I loved it when I was living there. Great inchie wih a sweet necklace, so pretty. Have a great day, it's very hot here again. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Goodness gracious me, I was born in St. Annes (where the seagulls wear nappies) and know that pond. When moving up here I looked at the west coast but could not find anywhere I could afford so am really quite jealous of you moving over there. XOXO Zoe

  6. Gorgeous! We think alike. Mine's a bit similar. I will publish later. Happy travels. Are you moving? Wow, what a location.

  7. Beautiful little necklace on your inchie Chrissie& fantastic photos!. Good luck with the hunt for your new home... Cheers, Shirleyxx

  8. I love your inchie and the photos Chrissie. I love Lytham, we found a hotel there that catered for families and we use to have the odd weekend there with the kids when Blackpools illuminations were on.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Lovely is your sweet inchie and what a nice couple you both are!

  10. WOW Chrissie I can't believe that you are moving across the other side of the country from east to west but glad to hear you are still hitting the coast.

    Fab inchie xx

  11. All the piccies are delightful and look forward to more!


  12. Raining all day here too down on the East coast in Essex. That lovely sunset does look enticing - lucky you :) That was really nice that someone asked to take your photo (and didn't ride off with your camera) its lovely to hear things like that. Fab inchie necklace too .... Gill xx

  13. Fabulous inchie, love the little necklace! Gorgeous photos too - how nice of that chap to take your photo - you both look cool! xxx

  14. Love your little necklace inchie! Great photos - the sunsets really are brilliant on the west coast. ..definitely something to look forward to! Good luck with the sorting and packing! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. Lovely photos and inchie. I hope your house sells quickly, unlike ours that took forever.

  16. Lovely photos and inchie. I hope your house sells quickly, unlike ours that took forever.

  17. lovely little inchie necklace. love the beads.

  18. Great photos, sounds like a great place to live! Loved your inchie too- still can't believe how difficult some of these theme are for such small scale items...

  19. Great photographs! I love that sunset - I want to go there now!!! ;-)
    Wonderful little necklace inchie too!

  20. What a splendid tiny necklace... do you want a job at Small Worlds?! And thank you for sharing those wonderful photos, especially of the sculptures. The fisherman's family is a magical piece. I spotted it on your profile photo as I came here this evening but, as you say, it's lovely to see the large version. Reminds me of the amazing one of the children of the family which is at the Tresco Gardens in the Scilly Isles (magical too). Not sure whether that link will work, but I hope so.
    Alison xx

    1. I think you know the answer to the job offer Alison--if only eh? Maybe in another life or in my dreams.

      Love Chrissie xx

  21. Great little bit of bling, Chrissie! Thanks for sharing some travel photos and much luck with the moving! Have a brilliant day! c

  22. Brilliant inchie Chrissie, and even nicer to see you and Vic though I can't believe you're moving t t'other side lol xx


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