Inchie, Journal Page and Photographs

Hi All. Hope you had a good weekend. Nice to have you call in at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for visiting.

A bit of this and that today

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is Energy. Always something interesting on the inchie blog to get our brain cells working 

I found a symbol for different types of energy so printed it out and stuck it on my felt inchie then added the usual bit bling

Art Journal Journal have already reached over 100 entries for their Post and Postage theme which runs until the end of July.

I painted a background with H20 paints then stamped with a bottle top and a piece of bamboo end. I found the clip art and added them to the background  in Paint Shop Pro

I had this skipping rhyme going through my head and thought it fitted in nicely with the theme. I loved skipping when I was at school and we knew lots of different chants and different actions for skipping.

The person who has to jump in to skip has their name shouted out by the people turning the rope and then when the chant gets to How Many Letter--the person skipping has to touch the ground once for each letter and see how many letters of the alphabet can be said before they get caught up in the rope. No wonder we never got fat. There was a shortage of rich food anyway after the war and most things were on ration. We also played outside most of the time and the games we played were very strenuous.

History lesson over for today girls and boys.

Here are a few photographs of a wonderful walk in the tree tops through Danes Dyke. It is really back to nature. If you take the high path and if you are fit enough to descend to the low path it is magical. Rarely anyone there except on the road and the car park which is not near the paths.The sounds of birds and rustling trees are amazing and the little Treecreeper bird lives among them.

 Along the path from Sewerby Cricket Ground
 Passed the Golf Links
 Beautiful grasses and wild flowers
 Up in the tree tops. The depth can only be imagined on a photograph as it is very steep when you look down.
 More of the top path

Part of the many steps that have just been built  top to bottom from the road to the depths of the Dyke. Not for the fainthearted as they are quite steep and lots of them
 A bit of 'nature art' I did when we reached the road-just found out it is called art bombing-thanks Sally

It is on top of the sign for the car park

Hope you enjoyed the walk

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Sweet inchie. I can tell you loved your hike.

  2. You had a great walk through the lovely nature park, thanks for sharing those lovely pictures. Love your inchie, and of course, the very interesting journal page for Art Journal Journey. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Adore the inchies, love the wind farm ;) I dont remember as a kid doing the jump roping but I was never that coordinated anyways, so I was more of a climber and swing set kinda kid. Thanks for the walk in the woods. Beautiful!

  4. Great projects and photos. I particularly like your inchie - great energy symbols but the whole thing is like a burst of sunshine.

  5. Good idea to use symbols! Your nature share is great, I love the fact that you art bombed the car park post too.


  6. what a lovely walk - wish I could walk better. I used energy symbols too. Great inchie and love the bling as usual.

  7. Your inchie is fab, all energy is natural. AJ page is clever and fun. Thanks for a nice walk in nature.
    Hugd xx

  8. Love your alternative energies inchie - and how appropriate to the fabulous nature photographs later in the post. I didn't know that skipping rhyme (I do know quite a few) - but it's perfect for the theme, and the page looks great.
    Alison xx

  9. Oh, oh, and the leaf art for others to find as they come along - just lovely! xx

  10. Wonderful photos ... that must have been a fantastic walk ! Thank you for sharing and thank you for sharing this sweet page at AJJ and the memories of your childhood ! We did this as well - although I am a much later girl - maybe we were not so excessive as your generation was The little leaf art is beautiful as well and the inchie clever done as always!
    I wish you a happy new week dear Chrissie!

  11. Love the sweet inchie and your collage too... The little characters remind me of a children book I had when I was little... Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  12. Ahh the inchie is awesome and sweet childhood collage.xx

  13. oooh what a beautiful page,and the nature imgeas so beautiful,i loved all the green and plants,its good for a long walk.
    have a great day,here is hot and sunny.

    greetings jenny

  14. Lovely work and I really enjoyed seeing photos of you walk. Hope you didn't pick any poison ivy or poison oak!

  15. Came to check out your inchie, great idea to illustrate energy! Your collage is fun too and very nostalgic...

  16. Very creative to make the Inchie with those symbols of energy. The page is very sweet and fun.
    Beautiful photos and nature art. Mar xx

  17. Beautiful pictures from your walk Chrissie. The inchie is super, I am always amazed you get so much in a small space. The page with the rhyme brought memories tumbling back to me as well.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Seems to be it would take a great deal of energy to climb those stairs. :) Love the inchie.

  19. Wonderful piece and that old jump rope saying is fantastic. Funny how we can remember those so clearly even though I am sure many of us have not been jump roping for at least a few years! Great photos from your walk too. How pretty it is there.

  20. Wow Chrissie, what a wonderful post today!! I thoroughly enjoyed my walk through the park with you, and the leaves you collected are just wonderful! I could almost feel the breeze blowing! Love your artwork too, the use of the wine cap is brilliant! hugs :)

  21. Love the inchie, your journal page is brilliant (and yes I agree we were always on the go ) but must say your walk looks fabulous! My son and I once made a lovely piece of nature art...only to see a child come along as we walked away and just whack it in the air, his Dad never said a word! !Hugs, Chris

  22. Love your inchie. You had a nice walk. Nice photos.

  23. Thank you for sharing your lovely photographs Chrissie. Great inchie as well.

  24. Thank you for sharing your lovely photographs Chrissie. Great inchie as well.

  25. You expressed so much on that little inchie and using the fabric was a great touch as well.
    I appreciate your skipping rope tut and the piece you created.
    Seems I did more roller skating and bike riding than rope skipping as a girl...
    missed that boat completely :-)
    Thank you for taking us along on that lovely lovely walk! Ahhh so beautiful!

  26. Love your art Chrissie, and the pictures are wonderful xx


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