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Hello Everyone. Nice of you to visit and thank you for all the support I receive from you all.

At Art Journal Journey there is still time to join in the Masculine/Feminine challenge.

I asked at the art shop which paper was best for chalk drawings and I was sold this book of canvas paper. I am so disappointed with it as I didn't seem to have any control over the chalk at all using it. This is the third face on this same page as the others were damped down and blended into the rough background. One good thing is that the paper is so thick none of the 'mess' went through to the other side so I can use it for another project. I made up the quote as it fits this so well.

Have lovely day


  1. Canvas is rather useless for chalks. Normal, smooth paper with a coat of gesso works well. Love what you have made, thanks for joining us at At Journal Journey, hugs, Valerie

  2. Such a great page Chrissie ! Love the texture... Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  3. Beautiful page Chrissie, love the texture to the background.xx.
    xx {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  4. The canvas paper did give nice texture but I imagine that the chalks would resist flowing smoothly on it.
    Lovely girl with flowers in her hair.

  5. wow,the cavas was so beautiful,love the eyes and the lips,and the flower in her hair beautiful as well,love it.
    have a great weekend.

    greetings jeannette

  6. A beautiful face Chrissie--Thank you says AJJ! ♥♥♥
    - it's hard to find the best paper for the different things.. I found out that the chalk pastels work good at the backside of packaging paper(brown paper bag paper) or over gesso on whatever paper you ground with it. There is also a special ground for pastels from Golden ( maybe other brands too) and there are special pastel papers in different colors offered- but I think that all is not really necessary.
    What if you try on normal cheap copy paper?
    Perhaps is this canvas paper that you bought good for oilpastelsticks, oils, or acrylics since it is so textured....I think they maybe missunderstood "chalks" in this shop - for sure.
    Happy weekend Chrissie!

  7. Beautiful page and lovely face, Chrissie! Love the flowers and colours.
    Mar xx

  8. Well what ever you did, it worked Chrissie, this is a beautiful face and the flowers for her hair look so pretty,
    Yvonne xx

  9. She is gorgeous Chrissie, I love the flowers.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Lovely lady with beautiful flower hair :) Happy Weekend, Shirleyxx

  11. Canvas is good for OIL pastels not soft! Or you can use it with acrylics as it will not warp as much as paper. For your chalk pastels look for Ingres paper (Daler Rowney do pads with several colours in it), Canson mi-teintes which have 2 different textures front and back and abrasive surfaces such as Colourfix (Art Spectrum), Pastelmat (Clairefontaine) or Sennelier Pastel card. Ingres is probably best to start with but lots of people like watercolour paper too.
    Enjoy your painting!

  12. Thank you for the info

    Live Chrissie xx

  13. Hi Chrissie, hope you are well and enjoying the weather today, sorry for the delay but I'm playing catch up, as you know I was away last weekend and have just been finishing by projects off in the week, but here I am!!
    Fab hair!!!

  14. Believe it or not, I think your portrait came out really well, considering your dilemma. But shame on the art store for selling you canvas for chalk work - tsk...tsk!

    I like the flowers framing the face...sweet.

    Hugs and love,
    Marianne xo

  15. Oh Chrissie, it looks so beautiful in the end! Yes sometimes it need so much trail and error to find the things we love artwise! Your paper seems very rough and I can understand, that it is very tricky! I would use it for mixed media with this gesso on it, haha ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling


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