Inchie and chalk

Hello Everyone. Hope you had a nice weekend and you are looking forward to the new week. Thank you for dropping in to see what I have posted here.

Not a lot really as I have been too busy watching sport to do any crafting. This week is sport free I think so I will play catch-up until next week when Wimbledon tennis starts :)

At Every Inchie Monday the theme for this week is Apple.

My inchie is all made of felt this week with a bit of bling added to give the apple some shine. Looks a bit fluffy around the edges.

I did do something different while I watched all the sport. I have long admired how Valerie and Susi use chalk on some of their wonderful artwork at Art Journal Journey so I thought I would send for some chalks and have a go. I only sent for them on Thursday evening and they arrived on Saturday morning. I just dived in without knowing what I was doing at all and I had black fingers with blending and a really messy page but I did enjoy using the chalk and I am going to look for some videos today to see how chalks should really be used.

Vic is taking me out for breakfast. Not something we have ever done before so it should start off the day with a zing.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. love the bling on the apple, always awesome! And I love the work with the chalks, I can not wait to see what else you come up with

  2. Stunning art pieces, Chrissie.
    Hugs xx

  3. Your inchie is so sweet Chrissie and I love what you did with the chalks... Enjoy your breakfast ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  4. Your chalk face is fantastic Chrissie, they are always quick and easy to use and give great results. Lovely Inchie, too. Not feeling so good today, got a massive headache! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Love your cute inchie and the fantastic chalk face. Great job, Chrissie!
    Mar xx

  6. Your inchie is lovely! Congrats on your chalk face! Great that you gave it a go..
    I love chalk pastels in between even more than acrylics for all kinds of uses.. because it's quick to take them out and give color to a project..much easier than with acrylics or inks where I need water- a brush- the color tubes and always make a mess and have to clean up afterwards. After a quick fix with hairspray they even can be overworked with other mediums.. and they are quite cheap!

    Thank you for another lovely entry to AJJ Chrissie... since that was your first try is just perfect! Keep on!
    Happy new week Chrissie!

  7. Fantastic little inchie with the bling and your face is great as well. Great glimmer in the eyes and this is the first time you tried pastels. I have some sitting a drawer, I should give them a try. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  8. A scrumptious looking apple, I hope your breakfast was as nice :-)
    Good luck with the chalks, I bought some derwent pastel pencils 10 years ago when I was in the Lake District and I have to confess they have not seen much use but at least they came from the outlet shop so they didn't cost an arm & a leg!


  9. I like that felt Inchie with that gentle bling, and you've done some really nice work with the chalks. It's so much fun to explore new mediums on your own first before you actually know what to do with it. I think you learn so much more with that approach. There's plenty of videos out there to look at after you've played for awhile. Enjoy!

  10. your inchie makes always make me smile...dont know how you make such small the bling too x

  11. Another great inchie today! Enjoy discovering your pastels, it's one of my favourite medium.

  12. Love your inchie and your drawing.

  13. Such a pretty inchie. Chalks are fun - great job.

  14. Chrissie, its a fabulous chalk drawing. The inchie looks great as well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Great felt apple and you have made a great start on using chalks. Hope you enjoyed your breakfast.

  16. Your apple reminds me of missed Autumn! And your portrait is really good!

    Marianne xo

  17. Just HAD to come bye again Chrissie and thank you for your lovely encouraging comments. I look at my mixed media work and have a long way to go, sometimes I have no idea what I am doing either but it all works out in the end with honest comments like you{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  18. Your blingy apple is great, but oh my word the chalk portrait is fantastic. Love the soft blending and shading - gives it such a great dimensional look. If that's your first go, I can't wait to see more.
    Alison xx

  19. You really caught some sparkle in his eyes. Puts lots of life into him! I hope you share your next drawing with us too!

  20. Wonderful sparkling little apple inchie :-) Nice work with the chalks, I'm looking forward to further drawings from you.

  21. Great inchie Chrissie and I just love your chalk piece. I've never worked with chalk before but it really creates interesting texture! hugs :)

  22. Your blings always make me smile, Chrissy! You've done a nice job with the charcoal/chalks...they can be messy fun. Hope your breakfast was yummy good fun. Have a brilliant day! c

  23. Your blings always make me smile, Chrissy! You've done a nice job with the charcoal/chalks...they can be messy fun. Hope your breakfast was yummy good fun. Have a brilliant day! c

  24. Hope you enjoyed breakfast and are going to do it again xx

    Great inchie and fab face xx

  25. Great apple Chrissie, and your drawing is very good.

  26. Great apple Chrissie, and your drawing is very good.


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