The sea and symmetry

Hello Everyone and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts. We really enjoyed our Spa day yesterday though I am aching in places I had forgotten I had. Not sure if this means I should do more exercise or give it up altogether. The main thing was that Vic really enjoyed it and it was his birthday surprise so that was good.

I have done a digital offering for the Sea Challenge at Art Journal Journey

The background is one of our photographs taken in Bridlington Bay with the coastline in the distance. I used a lot of effects on it as usual. We do have a very active yachting club ob the bay.

I chose two famous lovers to illustrate the song. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton playing Anthony and Cleopatra--so 2 sets of lovers really.

I used the first verse and the last verse of Robbie Williams version of Beyond the Sea

This week at Tag Tuesday the theme is Symmetry. I was stumped for a while then I found things in an envelope that I had cut from old birthday cards. I made my tag from one of those.

Others had wonderful ideas and I feel humbled to have opted for something so simple.

Hope you have a great day 

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Two fabulous creations Chrissie, the top one is so romantic lol and the second so colourful and cheery..x
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  2. Fab Journal page Chrissie, and yes, they were a wonderful pair! Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey,Hugs, Valerie
    For some strange reason you linked to Tag Tuesday instead of here, but I have corrected it now!

    1. Thanks Valerie. I blame my aches and pains from yesterday :)

      Love Chrissie xx

  3. Love your wonderful collage today.. Those both actors are my favourite classical couple of love.. they were made for each other indeed! Thank you for this offering to AJJ !
    Fab recycling tag Chrissie!
    Love to hear that your Spa day was such a sucess!
    Just unfamiliar movements for a crafter! enough to make us feel a little but rusty --lol!

  4. Two beautiful creations Chrissie... Love them both... I hate exercising, I really had to force myself to start with... Then when it's done I'm happy I did it but glad it's over !!! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  5. Lovely creations Chissie, and I'm glad you both enjoyed your spa day - hope it was worth the achy bits today :-) xx

  6. Fab page - lovely photo and effects and perfect lovers and lyrics! Your tag is gorgeous - wonderful symetrical image with awesome colours - a fab find! xxx

  7. I'm very impressed at what you have done with your photo, it looks like a painting.
    It's very romantic with the young Burton and Taylor and the old song.

  8. Beautiful Sea collage, your digital artwork is always amazing, I have no clue how it's done. I love your tag, great colours. I have been working on a Seaside journal page, hopefully I can get it to a point where I can join in the challenge at AJJ. Take care, Shirleyx

  9. Fantastic collage, Chrissie! Beautiful photo effects and images. Love the tag and colours.
    Hugs, Mar

  10. Gorgeous work today Chrissie, I am loving your diagonal tag!! I'm in the same boat as you today. We spent the day at the zoo and when I woke up this morning, I could have sworn rigamortis had set in because I was stiff as a board!! HAHA! Glad your hubby had fun though. hugs :)

  11. More fab creations Chrissie xx

  12. Two wonderful pieces Chrissie, love the sea page and how you use your own photos, something I will have to try soon I think. Sounds like you had a good Spa day, and Vic enjoyed the surprise.
    Yvonne xxx

  13. Nice digital piece. I love the old photo images of Taylor and Burton put on your own beautiful photo. Glad you had a nice spa day too. Always fun to do something a little out of the ordinary.

  14. Perfect pair with the stormy romance.
    Your collage has put the song in my head now too = thank you!
    Lovely card you made too.

  15. Envious of your spa day! If it hurts I think it means you need to go more often! Both your journal page and the tag are wonderful.

  16. Oh yes, double lover trouble - could there be a better pairing (or two better pairings) to reflect the stormy oceans of love?! Hope the spa aches pass soon!
    Alison xx


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