Inchie Day

Hello Everyone. Nice to start a new week with a bit of sunshine here at the coast. Hope it is nice where you are thank you for your visit.

Every Inchie Monday is asking for a diagram this week

I have done a pie chart and stuck it onto the usual felt with a bit of bling. I love pie charts--maybe it is the word Pie that I find attractive :)

Nothing else ready to show yet though some things in the pipe line. I thought I would show you this fabric picture that my daughter made for me.

It is quite large and is hung at the top of the stairs now. It is padded so too thick to put into a frame.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Love your little inchie, and pies are always worth thinking about! The quilt your daughter made for you is exquisite, she is really good. What a lovely treasure you have! Have a good start in the week and enjoy the sunshine, it's sunny and windy here, so I am off to the Rhine to get the cobwebs blown away! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Your inchie is so cute Chrissie ! And I must say talent runs in the family ! Your daughter's creations is stunning ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  3. Lovely inchie Chrisiie and this present is just ADORABLE! WOW!

  4. A super inchie Chrissie and the gift from your daughter is gorgeous. must take after her mum.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Great inchie! My first idea for this week was a pie chart too :-) You've received a beautiful gift from your daughter!

  6. The first pie chart, I did wonder if anyone would do one lol, and what a wonderful hanging your daughter has created - obviously plenty of artistic talent in the household!


  7. I like the pie chart and wondered if the largest % is the time for creating? Your daughter is quite talented, just like her mom!

  8. The Diagram remit would have had me completely stumped! Loved your daughter's picture, it reminds me of Stained glass windows.

  9. Wonderful fabric picture. Your daughter sews very well.
    Love your pie inchie ;-)

  10. I like pie charts too (and Venn diagrams, which I'm always calling Zen diagrams by mistake - so that's probably why I like those!), and I love your little felt version. What an amazing fabric dancer by your daughter - so happy to hear it's proudly displayed.
    Alison xx

  11. Great inchie Chrissie, love the hanging as well.

  12. Great inchie Chrissie, love the hanging as well.

  13. great pie chart - good idea. the wall hanging is fabulous

  14. Love your pie chart - I love them too! You are obviously a good teacher - the wall hanging from your daughter is gorgeous! Chrisx

  15. Oh my! Chrissie, your wall hanging is fantastic! you are very talented! and what a fun little inchie! adorable xx

  16. Your little inchie is adorable and wow the quilted picture by your daughter is gorgeous! Take care, Shirleyxx

  17. Love the whole concept of this creation and that inchie is fabulous. xxx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  18. your inchie is great, love the pie chart, the quilted art by your daughter is beautiful, what an awesome gift!

  19. I'm desperate to know what the percentages in your pie chart represent now Chrissie! Superb craftsmanship on that gorgeous padded picture - I bet you were thrilled to receive it. Jenny x

  20. Mmmm pie.... love this Chrissie, and your daughters quilted picture is absolutely stunning! xx

  21. Beautiful post! Your daughter's work is jaw-droppingly beautiful! And your inchie - so cute!


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