AJJ, Collage Obsession and TIOT reminder

Hello Everyone. Hope you are looking forward to the weekend. Here in the UK it is a Bank Holiday again so a long weekend for many. Thank you for dropping by and making my day. Lots of sport for me to watch this weekend and also an event at Sewerby Hall to fit in as well.

Just a reminder that there is still time to join us at Try it on Tuesday for the sewing or buttons challenge. You can use either or both, faux or real so I hope you will be able to make something for the challenge and have a chance to be chosen by the team as one of our top 5 

At Art Journal Journey the theme is The Sea until the end of May and there are wonderful pages to admire from the many entries. All of the pages are displayed in an album each time so you can see the collection.

This is a part of a photograph that I took, out of the window, at the cafe on top of our only high shop buildings. I changed it with effects to look like a painting.

This is the original photograph with a nosy seagull looking through the window. Can you see which part of the bay I chose for my digital page.

At Collage Obsession the theme this week is postage stamps

I went down the Postman Pat route as I have been helping a neighbour to knit some recently. Our real postman wears red and black.

Have a lovely weekend whatever you are doing

Love Chrissie xx


  1. So much digital beauty here today Chrissie! Love your collages!
    Have a great weekend! Enjoy!
    Thank you for another fab entry to Art Journal Journey!

  2. Wonderful digital work again. Postman Pat was always a fave of mine! Love your altered photo for AJJ, and that cheeky pigeon in the 'real' photo! Thanks for joining us again at AJJ! Hugs, Valerie

  3. loving your fabulous shares today Chrissie.xxx
    have a lovely weekend.
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  4. I love your collages Chrissie ! Just fantastic ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  5. Beautiful seaside picture Chrissie and I love how you altered it! It almost looks like a stormy day through a fogged up window! hugs :)

  6. Greetings from AJJ.
    Great photo and you altered it beautifully with the perfect quote!

  7. I love how you have altered this
    Rosie x

  8. Her Majestity has also a head role on my collage. Yours is fun and nicely done.
    Have a great weekend, Chrissie xx

  9. Love your royal mail- what an artistic collage!

  10. Fun stamp collage, Chrissie!

  11. Love your collages, Chrissie! The altered photo is fantastic and I also love your real postman image.
    Hugs, Mar

  12. I adore your happy stamp picture it males me smile.

  13. Great photo but I love how you blurred it and added the quote. And its a great quote. I think most of us can use new hope.

  14. What a clever transformation from nosy (and probably noisy if it's like ours) seagull picture to the blurred picturesque seascape, looking as if seen through a rainy window with the promise of a patch of blue sky.

  15. You were so quickly with your collage! Very funny and great done. Ulrike

  16. The altered photo does look painted - very lovely. I like the original photo too. You always have an original idea for your collages and the post one is no exception! Great work.

  17. Fabulous makes both of them Chrissie and what a beautiful part of the world you live in! Love how you altered the photo, it truly looks like a painting now and the collage looks so bright and cheery! Have a good week and sorry I don't manage to visit often, life and work get in the way.... :o(

  18. I love your painterly adaptation of the photo - so effective - a really hauntingly lovely page, and Postman Pat and his colourful collage made me laugh out loud... a real post of two halves!
    Alison xx

  19. Lovely pieces Chrissie, I'm sure that seagull is laughing xx


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