Gecko Inchie

Hi All. It is nice to be back in Blogland after almost a week away from it. My daughter has gone home now and the house feels very empty. I expect it won't be long before I am back in the swing of things and crafting and computing again. I hope you have had a good week and a big thank you to everyone for the comments which I have read. Think I will start from today on commenting as I don't think I would be able to catch-up.

At Every inchie Monday the theme this week is Gecko

Here is my little chap surrounded by bling. I lost all of my inchies that I had done this year and sewn together. I guess they got thrown out in the big craft room clear up. Sob Sob. I have also lost my new varifocal glasses so have had to order some more. Things happen in threes so they say -------what will be next?

This is my tag for Tag Tuesday this week where the theme is Insects

I painted the background with splodges of acrylic, then dabbed a pattern using bubble wrap.

The stamps are from Joanna Sheen and the bee is by Cart Us. I coloured them with Sharpies.

Have a lovely day



  1. Love your little gecko, and the tag is gorgeous. Take care of yourself, don't want you losing anything else! Hugs, Valerie

  2. That little gecko is so cute surrounded by the bling and your tag is so pretty - lovely colours! I can't believe you have lost your lovely inches and your glasses! That's not good! xxx

  3. Such a cute Inchie and your tag is just perfect Chrissie!
    Great to have you back- hope the time with your daughter was fine!

  4. WOW, this creation is just beautiful...great colours and design. And of course your inchie, it's{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  5. Just gorgeous as usual Chrissie ! Your tag is amazing... Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  6. Wonderful pieces today Chrissie. Love that tag, the background is amazing and the bees are such a fabulous spring addition! hugs :)

  7. Wonderful background and textures on the super bee tag and I love your tiny inchie,
    Yvonne xx

  8. Oh my, you're gorgeous! That gecko inchie is stunning and a beautiful tag.

  9. My gecko is also a black one like a tattoo, but I haven't seen yours before my drawing. Just googled and saw one like this. But your jewels are really cute to the gecko!
    Love your tag :-)

  10. Love the blingy gecko. Sorry to hear that you lost your inchies. Hope nothing else gets lost.

  11. Love this textural tag, great colours and layers. Your inchie is lovely too!

  12. So sorry to hear about the things you've lost--at least you have a visual record of your inchies. Of course the gecko had to have his share of BLING! I'm a big fan of bees; love the tag. It's beautiful. Have a brilliant day, Chrissie! c

  13. What a cute little gecko and I just love that tag!

  14. love your inchie gecko - especially the bling. Soooo sorry your have lost your inchies - maybe they will turn up. so sad to lose creative work.

  15. How horrible that you lost your inchies! I hope they turn up when you stop looking - that often happens to me! These are two lovely, beautifully made projects.

  16. Great makes again Chrissie and I still struggle with amazement on how much you manage to get onto an inchie!! Loving your tag too xx

  17. Fabulous inchie and tag. Love the decoration of your inchie: The beads and flowers.

  18. These are fabulous Chrissie, so sad that you've lost your others though. Hope your glasses turn up too xx

  19. The gecko is very cute - and the bee tag is absolutely delicious. But how horrible to have lost all your felty inchies - that's so sad... I mean, at least you have a record of them here, but still... Fingers crossed for a miracle re-surfacing.
    Alison xx


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