Two Collages

Hello Everyone and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Today I have two collages and both are very different so I hope you like them. Thank you for dropping by today.

At Collage Obsession this week the theme is Black Dress
You are given this image to use if we like or you can use anything that follows the theme I used the image and several others and made something that is supposed to be funny ?

All done digitally-do you think she went for the weekend away?

At Art Journal Journey this month the theme there is Collage and there are some wonderful works of art in all forms.

It is almost a year since my daughter asked if I would like her 'old' sewing machine and I said no but she brought it anyway when they came to visit. I did look at it and then just put it away as it was so different from what I had been used to. It seemed to do everything except make cups of tea. Well she will be coming for Christmas and is sure to ask how I have got on with the machine so I decided the time had come to 'have a go'. It does almost everything at the touch of a button and all I had to do was work out which button did what.

I made this collage from pieces of fabric in my scraps box and added a few other things as interest. Now to make myself a fabulous outfit to wear for Christmas :)-or maybe another collage to start with. 

I really hope the machine she bought to replace it never comes my way as I would never learn how to thread that, it take so many different cottons all at the same time. She did mention that I taught her everything she knows--nice but not true.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x


  1. Love your collages - the funny digital one, and the sewed one, which is super. Well done, it really looks great. Glad you have decided to use that machine! Thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey, just great! Hugs, Vaerie

  2. I think she will fall under the spell of this charming gentleman...
    lovely digi collage- like this victorian style !
    And wow... you should definitely sew more with this machine...
    your daughter owns now an overlock sewing machine ? Think this is not so much more to understand will manage this as well
    if you will get it!
    Thank you for sharing with us at AJJ..lovely piece .. I should test the machine from my mother also..I have here now two similar ones .. have to test which one ist the better one... but too lazy to bring the machines out ....hope to have a studio in the future where the machine can be on a table always..would be very handy and I would sew more often on my prijects for sure!

  3. OMG ! You are such a talented Lady Chrissie ! Your collages are just fantastic... Love the sentiment on the digital one !!! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  4. Love your Jane Austin inspired collage fun and lovely.

  5. Fun collage and that young lady looks like she might really enjoy freaking out her father ;-)

    Lovely stitching too!

  6. Great, fun collage, Chrissie. I suppose that Daddy absolutely will not allow her go with the man.
    Have a wonderful weekend, hugs xx

  7. I think she will be persuaded to go, especially if he is that handsome. Its a fantastic collage. Awesome sewing piece as well, hope to see more in the coming weeks.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Chrissie, aren't you glad you took the sewing machine out of hiding? I love your collage! I miss sewing. Your daughter will love your piece.

    Blessings for a happy weekend, friend...


  9. Love the Jane Austin work, it sucks me right in!! Your daughter will be thrilled when she sees that you used the sewing machine, what a great project! hugs :)

  10. Of course she went... what Daddy doesn't know... Love your fabric collage and it's a good thing you've tried out the sewing machine. Wish I knew how to use mine properly!

  11. Great collages Chrissie - the first one gave me a laugh! Nikki x

  12. Thanks for the chuckle, Chrissie. I love the joke and I love how you have designed the picture around the lovely lady in her black dress.

  13. I really really hope she went for the weekend away - who could resist such a fine figure of a man, with that nattily cut coat, and such fine calves?! Love your digital collage - both the woman and the man are just wonderful images. I'm very suspicious of the room - is it a dollshouse, or is that just me?!

    Also loving your bold bright and textural fabric collage. Does the sewing machine really do everything for you? Including threading? That's where I always get stuck (and then if someone does that bit for me, I get stuck again as soon as I start the thing)... I'd so love to be able to add stitching to projects, but am in a state of constant enmity with sewing machines, so I'd love one that did it for me!!
    Alison xx

  14. Two Fabulous collages, love the sewn one and loving the gorgeous colour combos here.x
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  15. I love your collages and your sense of humor! I look forward to seeing more of your work!


  16. great collages I am having problems reading the word verification as I have poor eyesight


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