Butterfly challenge

Hello Everyone lovely to have you visit Jumbled Crafts today -thank you

I am so pleased that Blogger have sorted out the reading list problem now and that I can visit people on my list again.

This time at Butterfly Challenge the challenge theme is Monochrome. This is something I don't usually even attempt but I do have a friend who loves pink and has a birthday coming up soon.

I have only got as far as making the topper for the card as I need some more pink card to finish it.

I used the technique where you stamp the whole piece of card then remove parts of the ink with something damp. I used a bit of sponge.Then I used my Elusive Images butterfly stamp for the background images and picked raspberry Distressed Ink.  The flower is one I cut from my flower arrangement in the bathroom--I'm sure it won't be missed.

Now for my weekly digi indulgence. The theme at Three Muses this time is Dancers. 

I used one of my photographs of our beach then added various dancers to it. Maybe I should suggest this sort of day to the council-that would liven things up a bit :)

Have a beautiful day all

Love Chrissie x


  1. Very unique take on the theme Chrissie!

  2. Lovely effect with the bleaching, and it did make me smile that you've been snipping flowers off your home decor to create with! I'm sure your friend will love the card.

    The collage is fab too - all those wonderful diagonals full of energy - brilliantly composed.
    Alison xx

  3. Just gorgeous Chrissie ! Your collages are always so inspiring ! Love the background of the card and the beautiful flower ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  4. Beautiful Chrissie, love the bright pink ! Have a great day, Shirleyx

  5. Oh I like this. Very happy scene of dancing..

    Mine is up on my page.

    Getting to know people as I see other art work and people I never seen. So came in to applaud you for your art. On three Muses.

  6. I love your beach dancers! Great feeling of freedom and movement!

  7. Love your pink card with the butterflies, very pretty indeed! And the dancers on your beach - wonderful! This is an idea which would really be fun on the beach! Have a nice evening, hugs, Valerie

  8. Joyful and creative dancers-collage.
    It gave me summer feelings, thanks Chrissie:)

  9. If that kind of fun happens on your beach, I'm sure we will all want to come and visit. a great digi piece. The card for your friend looks beautiful.
    Yvonne x

  10. I love your very pink card. The lifting colour back off the card is a technique I need to have a go at. Had to laugh at you snipping your floral displays to pieces. Now that's true crafting for you!! Thank you for fluttering by #9. Hugs Mrs A. (Butterfly challenge).

  11. Lots of lovely pinks on your pretty card.


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