Tag and Journal

Hello All. I am bit late today as we went into town along the beach which takes twice as long as it is slower walking on the sand. Today there was the NE wind as well which was against us so not the best day for a beach walk.

At That's Crafty the theme this time is Black and White with a splash of colour

I designed and printed the paper in Paint Shop Pro then made the cover for my journal. The spine is in a leather cloth so it looks quite classy really. I made the pages inside to fit so have a nice chunky journal to start on :)

At Tag Tuesday this week the theme is Africa

For my tag  I did African Folk Art

I drew the shapes in black marker pen then coloured them in with felt tips. I have a stamp set of animals that just fitted some of the spaces on the tag so I used those and hope that all of the animals I used are African ??

Hope your day is going well and thank you for taking the time to visit Jumbled Crafts.

Love Chrissie x


  1. I like both pieces.. the black and white with a splash of red is very elegant and the vibrant colorfields on the african inspired tag pop so great!
    fantastic Chrissie!

  2. Wow Chrissie, both are fabulous

    There is something about black and white and a splash of red and love the vibrant colours on your African themed tag.

    Sam xxx

  3. Love the b&w&red journal cover - very cool, and the tag is great fun. Africa's pretty big and pretty diverse, so I reckon you're probably fine on the animals!!
    Alison xx

  4. The new journal is gorgeous, and the Africa tag too! Glad you had a nice walk! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Fabulous new journal cover, it looks so classy. Super colourful tag as well.

  6. Beautiful creations as always Chrissie ! Love your journal cover ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  7. Really love your black/white card Chrissie, the dash of red makes it look even smarter! And your Africa inspired tag has all the right elements! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner


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