Tag Along

Hi Everyone who drops by and thank you for calling in and for the wonderful comments I receive on my posts. Thinking of you all who are remembering Anzac Day today.

This week at Tag Along he theme is Pin-Ups. Well my first thought was David Beckham in some of his designer underpants-shock horror 00. I then thought of a saying an old uncle used to tell us. He was a decorator and if we were going to do anything he thought was bit dodgy he would say, " Give that a few coats of thought before you do it." So I did just that and you won't be seeing David in his undies.

Here is Marilyn Monroe instead-always a pin-up whatever she did.

Hope you will come back later as I will doing my post for the new challenge at Artful Times which will be posted at 6pm GMT Friday 25th April

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x


  1. Ha ha Chrissie, that saying did make me laugh :-). Marilyn really is beautiful isn't she. We went to York recently and there was a painting and photographic exhibition and some were of Marilyn. There was one photo where she was walking on the beach in a baggy jumper and she looked gorgeous! Anyway enough of the culture, lets have David in his designer undies lol xx

  2. Your tag is gorgeous Chrissie, love the shape ! And I do love your uncle's saying ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  3. A wise saying from your Uncle, and Marilyn is much prettier than David in underpants! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. This is adorable!MM was a super pin up. Love her!

  5. Fantastic tag, Marilyn is a beauty. Have a wonderful weekend, Shirleyx

  6. Great choice for a pin up!!


  7. Definitely the perfect pin up! Your tag is wonderful. I really like Marilyn. One of my favourite films ever is Some Like It Hot - genius! xx

  8. Love this Chrissie - great idea and great shape of the tag which goes perfectly with the image.

  9. Well Beckham in his pants would have been a bit different LOL but I love your Marilyn. Great shape too (the tag!)

  10. Fabulous tag Chrissie, what a lovely picture of Marilyn.

  11. Hmm... now why are we allowed to see MM in her deshabille but not DB (sulks)? No doubting her star power though, I'll grant you.

    Absolutely love your uncle's warning thought - suspect I'll be borrowing that!
    Alison xx


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