Inchie and Collage

A new week begins and it is sunny for us for time for a long walk along the cliff top I think. I hope it is sunny where you are and that you enjoy whatever you have planned. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts.

At Every Inchie Monday this time the theme is Implausible. It seemed impossible when I first saw it but with thought it does have many possibilities and I am sure there will be many revealed by the end of the week.

This is the one I made. I suppose this has been proven to be wrong--or has it?  Depends on what you believe in I suppose. Wallace and Gromit or the moon landings?

It's time for another challenge at Collage Obsession. I seem to get a crazy excitement about these challenges as I can put on my digital design hat. So this week we are doing Solitude.

Here is mine which I have created just from a photograph of my own and a saying found on Google. I used various effects in Paint Shop Pro.

It is always peaceful along our seafront first thing in the morning and in the evening when all the day trippers have either not arrived or gone home. This lone dog walker and her dog were really enjoying the solitude--I did keep out of their view by standing well back to take this photograph. The beach goes for miles to the right of the picture and there wasn't anyone else in view at all. I supposed I was enjoying the solitude as well  though Vic was only just behind me:)

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x


  1. Just gorgeous Chrissie ! Your collage is superb and I love the sentiment... And the inchie is so funny ! Love it ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  2. Love your inchie, and your digital solitude.

  3. haha Wallace & Grommit for me every time :-D Fabulous inchie. Your digital picture is very beautiful xxx

  4. Fab inchie and I go for Wallace and Grommit! Your picture is so serene! I love what you have done with it! Beautiful! xx

  5. Great thinking and fab inchie. Love your photo piece too. Whereabouts is that as it looks familiar??

    1. The beach is Bridlington where Ilive

      Love Chrissie xp

  6. Love your cheese-moon inchie, great idea! Your collage made from your photos is beautiful, as is the photo of the sea-front. Hope you get in a nice, long walk today. Just got back from the doc's here, so need some coffee now! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Wow, amazing how you can transform a photo when you have the knowledge and know how - brilliant xxx

  8. Great inchie, Chrissie, of course Wallace and Gromit are right.
    Love your "Solitude" too and that looks like a super beach and prom walk. Like Lisette above I am wondering where it is?

    1. The beach and prom are Bridlington South Beach. The one at the North is totally different.

      Love Chrissie xx

  9. Yes, soulmates feel pleased with solitude. Great digital works.

  10. I want to think the moon is made of Cheeeeeese!!! I love it! And I love Wallace and Gromit! Great depiction! :0) Share humanity

  11. Supercool inchie Chrissie, what a splendid idea and I just love the way you use your PSP! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  12. Aah, Brid, that would be why I recognise it! Many happy holidays at the Monarch hotel where I fell in love with the manager when I was about 5 and ended up naming my dog after him (Mr Briggs). Happy days. Still pop across sometimes and was up in Filey not that long ago. :)

  13. Brilliant, Chrissie - both of them! I'd take W&G over the moon landings, just for entertainment value if nothing else... I love your cheesy inchie.

    And the altered photo is amazing - so dramatic, and such a beautiful quote - wonderful!
    Alison xx

  14. Fantastic digital art, love your photo alteration. its a super inchie as well.

  15. Love your inchie idea! I don't know, is it made of cheese? :)

  16. Your inchie made me laugh out loud. Great thinking!

  17. I had forgotten that the moon is made of cheese, I guess that's why the man in the moon gets so fat at certain times of the month, or maybe it's really a woman!


  18. Oh my gosh I love this one. Great job!

  19. A fabulous inchie and your solitude piece is stunning.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. Great inchie for a difficult challange.

  21. Wonderful. It could be green cheese. Although that sounds yucky.

  22. Great photo and collage! Thanks for participating in Collage Obsession this week.

  23. Lovely quote and digital art!


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