Digital Collage and Car Boot buys

Hello All. Nice to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts-always great to have visitors.

It's that time of the week when I put on my Paint Shop Pro hat and let my imagination run riot. This week at Collage Obsession we are asked to do just that, as the theme is swapping heads.

A lot of heads landed on different bodies on this piece.

I made the background on black by using a brush from way back when

The figure on the left is a photograph of a piece of tapestry my daughter did and I added a photograph of the head of one one of her cats-well I added it three time. The suits of armour I found on Google but the unicorn heads are from another piece of tapestry that my daughter did. The fairy is one I painted digitally years ago and then I added a brass, horse's head. It is finished off with digital brush texts. The families of these two love birds didn't like their union at all so sent the troops in to keep them apart-well I am sure 'love will conquer all' in the end.

Just thought I would show you some of my car boot finds from Monday

Two nice size pieces of lace, a huge cone and a nice beaded bag-larger than it looks in the picture as I added it to the pic of the other things. I got all of these for 50p. They were priced 20p each but the two piece of lace came as one item. The chap said all three for 50p so I didn't argue. I have removed all the beads and sequins from the bag ready for a revamped. I saved all the beads etc as I use them on other things. Such bargains eh and another car boot sale tomorrow :)

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x


  1. Your collage looks fantastic Chrissie ! I haven't been to a car-boot for ages - I so love them - Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  2. Love these wonderful horse people, Chrissie!

  3. Fantastic digital artwork Chrissie. I wouldn't have a clue how to do this. Have a great day, Shirleyx

  4. Wonderful collage, wish you could change my head while you're at it! Great buys at the boot sale, that was value for money! Have fun, hugs, Valerie

  5. Wow, you certainly put a lot of creativity and work into this collage! Beautiful colors too.

  6. Fabulous head swap your collage is awesome.

  7. I love the horsy knights (very chess-themed), but I'll admit the three-headed cat slightly freaks me out!! Stunning colours in the background, though, and what gorgeous buys at the car boot sale.
    Alison xx

  8. You always blow me away with your digital art Chrissie. I read how you created it - didn't understand a word lol. It was a big day in our house when I learned how to copy and paste! Nice car boot finds too xx

  9. ok, i love EVERYTHING about your collage, but a medieval knight with three kitteh heads??!?!?! GENIUS!!! :) :) :)


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