
Hello Everyone. I hope you are all safe and well and haven't suffered in the gales and the high tides. Our electricity was on and off all day and -----

My planned Crafty Day yesterday turned into something very different as we got an unexpected Garden Extra. One of the huge trampolines, with high netting around it, landed on top of our little plant house and then decided to get well established in the middle of our small lawn. It had to fly over two garden fences and an archway before being stopped by the plant house and our higher fence. It took all the daylight hours to try to rescue some plants and to make the debris safe as it was taking off all over the place in the gales and driving rain. At one point I felt like Mary Poppins ready for flight as I tried to hold onto the trampoline while Vic made a tether for it.

The owner of the trampoline is a hairdressers and was very busy so couldn't come to see us until 6 pm though she did send her mum to view the damage. We have to wait now for someone to come at 11 am to assess what needs to be done to remove the object and we still have plants to house and a structure to be demolished. Looks like another day with no crafting for me.

Must say my life is never dull ;0) and thank fully the very high tides didn't reach us. We are supposed to be below sea level where we live but it always seems slightly uphill when we walk to the seafront so maybe that is enough to save us.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x


  1. Oh Chrissie so sorry to hear of your problems because of the gale ! Hope it is over now ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  2. Oh dear, sorry to hear about that! What a lot of fuss and bother. I don't understand why that trampoline was left outside by such weather. Sorry your plant house has been damaged, and hope you do get some time for a little fun today! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh I am sorry to hear that.. but it's good to hear that the storm did not more damage...
    have a good weekend without more trouble ...
    hope for you to get in the mood of crafting again!

  4. Oh Dear Chrissie I hope you get it sorted and with out too much hassle. Will you be able to claim off of the insurance for the damage. Good luck saving the plants
    hugs Max x

  5. Blimey Chrissie what a lot of hassle for you :( but glad to hear you saved some of the plants. Hope they cough up with a replacement. Take care & Hugs Sandra XXX

  6. What an awful day yesterday seems to have been for you I hope all is sorted now or getting sorted I really don't like high winds luckily we escaped the storms winds were moderate all day and we only had one small power cut.


  7. Golly... came to see what had happened after reading your later post first (perils of catching up backwards)... so glad things are settled now with the trampoline owner, but what a horrid chapter of events. Hope the wind has died down now, and that you are staying safe and warm.
    Alison xx


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