Inchie and ATC

Hello Friends and Followers-hope you are all ready for the big day. It seems to have come all at once though we will be having a quiet time this year but the family will be here for my birthday at the New Year.

This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Food. Only one more inchie for this year then I will have the full set of 52 and I am so looking forward to starting on the themes for next year which are now posted.

I have chosen the healthy option for my inchies--how good is that will all the nuts and choccies  around at this time of year.


At Wicked Wednesday this time the ATC subject is snowbirds. I decided to make a fun one though I do love real birds and often go bird watching when we are out walking

I made the penguin from little bits of felt and the background in Paint shop Pro.

Hope you have a wonderful day and take time out for some relaxing crafting

Love Chrissie x


  1. Great idea for your inchie Chrissie. Have a wonderful Christmas, and a brilliant New Year.
    Wendy xx

  2. Very healthy! Very good idea. Love your inchie and your little bird.

  3. Love youe sassy penguin, and good to see healthy food on your inchie, there is too much temptation on the sweet side at this time of year! Hugs, Valerie
    Well don on keeping up the inchi challenge all year!

  4. Great take on the inchie and love your fab birdie

    Hope you have a wonderful time over festive period.

    Sam xxx

  5. I love your inchie and your little penguin Chrissie ! They are so cute ! I try to have 5 a day but it's a bit difficult as I am allergic to most fruit ! Unless they are cooked, so it's not too bad I suppose ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  6. Great inchie! I love your thinking and how you went down the healthy route, where as I went unhealthy! Your ATC is very cute.

  7. Love the health kick inchie! And I tell you, that ATC is unreal how good!

  8. what a great inchie & a great way to start the new year!

  9. Great idea! I love the 5 a day. Also happy upcoming birthday!

  10. I love the healthy inchie! I finally have Internet at the chalet so I can continue to keep up with everybody :-)

    A healthy & happy new year to you & family



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