
Good Morning All. Hope you are safe where you live as the forecast for the UK really awful. We have rain here on the NE coast but the wind doesn't seem to strong at the moment.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is thunderstorm so almost appropriate even though the themes are chosen for the whole year.

I just kept it simple by drawing a cloud and some lightening.

I would also like to enter this at the mini challenge at Anything but a card where the theme is Small is Beautiful. Thank you Lisette for the Invite

Stay safe and happy everyone

Chrissie x


  1. Lovely inchie, and would be appropriate here today, too. It's quite warm outside, but blowing a gale une we have a storm warning, the trees are all dancing and swaying! I need to get wrapped up and go out, I have to go to the doc's! Hugs, Valerie

  2. how coincidental - unbelievable really................think I may go and create

  3. Love your inchie Chrissie ! Just perfect for today's weather !!! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  4. lovely inchie Chrissie and your "sell your soul" tag is simply cool !

  5. Phantastic thunderstorm. We had a lot here too the last days.

  6. This is an absolutely stunning inchie Chrissie. Love the depth of your cloud and the lightning is spectacular. So glad you came and joined in with the Anything But A Card mini-challenge.

  7. Sweet inchie...........although I love rain.......lightening scares me!! Hope the weather is more agreeable for you soon!

  8. A great inchie and so appropriate for today's weather.

  9. love the colors and mood of your inchie. great job!

  10. That's a proper storm cloud. Wonderful.

  11. Your little inchie says it all...This has been our forecast for much of the autumn so far. :/

  12. Great drawing, I love the cloud!

  13. I love this inchies. it is cute and dramatic at the same time. great job

  14. When I opened your blog page I actually said out loud to myself - "Oh that's brilliant!" And it is well done. Fabulous inchie

  15. I have never created an inchie and now I don't know why. Your little piece of art is fabulous. Thank you for joining in over at Jennie's CHalleneg at Anything But A Card.


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