Ahhhh and Craft Barn Alpha Page

Happy Friday Everyone! Nice weather here so far today but the forecast says it is all about to change so we will be off for a nice walk along the seafront and the cliffs to make the most of the good weather.

I thought you might like to share some pics that Vic took yesterday.

We have had a very large hedgehog eating the slugs and bugs in our veg bit of the garden for ages and noticed that she hadn't been around for a few of weeks. Now we know why! She has moved to next door where the garden is kept wild and lots of little creatures live there. Our Hedgehog must have thought it was a suitable place to have some babies and she has had three.

Our neighbour, Roger, called us out yesterday to see them on his lawn so here they are. Two seem to stick together the other one stays on it's own. No sign of mum though so I am hoping she is ok.

They are quite small and may be be about three weeks old we think.

Now for my O page for the Craft Barn Alpha page challenge. I chose the word Orris which is the posh name for Iris.

I printed the image onto acetate and just stuck it over the words as I thought it didn't need anything else it is so beautiful.. Thought I would add a bit about the Orris Oil as it sounds interesting stuff. Always great entries for this challenge and I love to look at the book I am creating.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x


  1. Oh thank you for sharing your pics ! They are sooooo sweet !
    Your pages are gorgeous Chrissie ! Love the stamped flowers... Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  2. Beautiful page and great photos! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Your pages look magnificent! I love the Iris printed to the acetate and lain over the words page!

  4. Indeed a beautiful page and thanks for the info, very informative. BJ

  5. Great page and that Orris certainly looks amazing, so beautiful!

    Oh and those hedgehogs are just so cute!! Great photos too!

  6. You're one step ahead of yourself my dear, it's still only Friday, but never mind, the weekend is here now one way or another!!

    Fab photos of the hedggies, fab little creatures aren't they!!

    OOOhh loving that double spread,that image looks great over the text.

    Sam xxx

    1. Thanks Sam I blame getting old lol cause every day seems like Saturday.

      Love Chrissie xx

  7. Another great photo opportunity for Vic :) and so unusual to them out during the day Chrissie
    Super pages too :)
    Von ♥

  8. Gorgeous creatures :)
    Love the page and I've learnt something too - never knew they were also called Orris - Thank you x

  9. Love that page Chrissie and you are so lucky to have baby hedgehogs I love the prickly creatures. Hugs Sandra X

  10. Hi Chrissie, never knew there was another word for iris. Love your page, and that image is truly beautiful! And the hedgehogs are totally cute! Hugs Frea

  11. Those little critters are so cute and your dictionary pages are beautiful!

  12. Beautiful image of a beautiful flower, good choice.

  13. This is definitely an Ahhhh for me. I haven't seen hedgehogs (only the cartoon type). Are they born late in the season Chrissie?

  14. The hedgehogs are so sweet - thank you for sharing the photos, and your Orris page is just lovely: so simple but so effective. Brilliant idea to print the image on acetate.
    Alison x

  15. Love your pages and what a simple clever idea to use the acetate to print the image on. I think hedgehogs are so cute, however they are considered a pest in New Zealand as they share the same habitat as our native birds and other fauna and then eat our endangerd kiwi (as in the bird) eggs. So its a bit hard to look on them too fondly in this neck of the woods.

  16. Beautiful !!!
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn

  17. Mum's probably taking a much needed nap..col...they are so cute. How wonderful they care for your gardens.

    Love your Iris page. I didn't know that about Orris Oil.

    May your day be lovely, Chrissie,

    Marianne xo

  18. Beautiful page and I now know the other name for an Iris!! Sweet hedgehogs too!!

  19. Well another new word for me Orris Love your pages Chrissie


  20. How fantastic! Was just remarking to my OH the other day that I haven't heard or seen our hedgehog this year 0:(. We really need one because it is slug paradise in our garden (and the house for that matter) and gets worse every year. Hedgehogs are a much nicer way to get rid of them than pellets though!

  21. Thanks for sharing your hedgehog pics - so cute - I love hedgehogs!

    Beautiful pages, you're right, that image didn't need anything else. MMx


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