Royal Day

We decided to go to the harbour this morning and thought we may catch a glimpse of Prince Charles. It was amazing how many people turned out to greet him at the harbour and we got quite close to him and enjoyed seeing all the things that had been prepared for him to see on the harbour which is usually used as a car park and full of cars.

No water in the harbour unfortunately as it does look a lot better when the tide is in.

While Charles was at the harbour Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall was just along from the harbour at our beautiful Spa building.. When Charles was out of our view we decided we would walk home and the route we take goes by the Spa. As we were walking that way there was suddenly a lot of action and Camilla came out of the side door of the Spa where a small crowd were waiting for Prince Charles to come along along and join her later. She must have got fed-up of waiting for him and decided she would go to meet him so off she trotted at speed along the see front-well that was after she shook hands with me and Vic and asked if we were enjoying our holiday--Vic said that we lived here. I was speechless lol.

This is just after she spoke to us and shook our hands. Vic raced along as he hadn't taken a pic of her whilst she was with us.

It is quite a way from the Spa to the harbour and she went down the steps onto the promenade. It must have been a nightmare for the police and the body guards as they hadn't a clue what was happening it wasn't on the itinerary at all.

She got to some small steps down to the harbour just as Prince Charles was coming up the steps and they seemed so pleased to see each other and even with all the crowd around them they still shook hands and chatted to everyone and to each other.

It took ages to get them walking along safely with their bodyguards and don't they look as though they enjoyed their time doing their own thing all of them. Everybody was congratulating them on the new baby

It was nice that the rain stayed away whilst they were here

We have of course got many more pictures of the event these are just a few for you all to enjoy.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. What a lovely memory that she spoke and shook your hands and on the after their new grandchild was born.

    Glad you had a great day too.

    Sam xxx

  2. you have some great pics, and some lovely memories I am sure x hugs x

  3. Lovely photos Chrissie, probably once in a lifetime, having them both so close in sight! And such lovely news with the newborn prince, too! Hugs, Ira xox

  4. OMGoodness - so so close. Well done, love those pic's and I do admit to liking the Royals - a lot. :)

  5. What fab pics Chrissie and how opportune to have seen them today, bet there were lots of happy faces! Haven't been to visit for a while so off to catch up on your lovely makes. Xx

  6. What a coo for you and Vic ! great photos Vic :)
    Von ♥

  7. Well, will you still be visiting us lot after hobnobbing with the royals? Sounds like a fun day! Valerie

  8. That must have been an exciting day for all! Love the pictures! ~Diane

  9. What a wonderful day you had, lovely photos, hope they enjoyed the fish and chips you mentioned in your last post.
    Yvonne x

  10. Thank you so much for your wonderful pictures. I am a big fan of the Royal Family and I do like Camilla.
    I probably would have wet my pants if she stopped and chatted with me. Now wouldn't that look great, a 70 year old lady weeing in her pants!!

  11. Makes me miss England. I of course never saw the Royals but still. We ALMOST got to London haha. I bet Charles is so very excited to finally be a Grandpa. Very cool pics thanks for sharing

  12. Hello, Deb dear! Oh, how grand that you decided to take your stroll, and you just thought you'd catch a glimpse...hee, is funny. Great photos, and I appreciate you sharing them.

    I saw Kate and William come out of the hospital with the baby on TV, of course. But it was exciting and nice to see them happy and starting a new chapter in their lives.

    I was in England once in June 1983. We stayed overnight in London and then on to Winchester. We stayed adjacent to the cathedral and it was like a dream. Much of it reminded me of where I grew up in New Jersey, wild blackberries growing along the way, and the lush greenery along the sidewalks. (At least that's how I remember it). Anyway, you were having a heat wave during that time. It was unseasonably hot for England.

    Have a wonderful day, sweet Deb. Sending hugs and love,


  13. Oh, Chrissie, many apologies...I'm a bit tired, and used a different name. Meant every word of the comment, just got the name confused. Please forgive :/

    Marianne xo

  14. Finally got around to checking out your Royal meeting . How wonderful . They did look happy to be there maybe cos it was their grandsons actual birthday . They were holding on to the happiness. and spreading it around Brid! I myself have never seen a royal . (But have met up with some right royal friends )
    Great photos well done Vic.

    hugs Max xx


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