Craft Barn Alpha Challenge

Summer has definitely arrived for us and it wall to sun and blue sky today-hope it is sunny where you are.

At The Craft Barn this time the letter is Y but with a bit of a twist as you also have to use yellow.

I chose the plant Yucca for my word. It always amazes me that they seem to grow here in the North of England these days as about 50 years ago the only place we used to see them was Devon and Cornwall when we went on holiday. They always looked so 'posh'-well they still do to me. I hadn't realised that the root has all sorts of healing uses so I added the link to the page so I won't forget.

Nice to have you drop by-thank you

Love Chrissie x


  1. Oh wow great job, I love this double spread - fabulous

    Sam xxx

  2. Such a clever idea to use the letter Y Chrissie, great page! Ira x

  3. Such a clever idea to use the letter Y Chrissie, great page! Ira x

  4. Such a clever idea to use the letter Y Chrissie, great page! Ira x

  5. Lovely page, the yucca is really a lovely plant! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Great word choice, they are super pages.
    Yvonne x

  7. Visiting from The Craft Barn ~ I love the vibrancy of your page and thanks for the link to the info about the Yucca :0)

  8. Great word choice and spread. Y is a challenge that you rose to. I did not know about the Yucca's healing properties - really interesting. Julie Ann x.

  9. Love your spread, really like the way you depicted health, very original. I visited through the Craft Barn. Hugs Frea

  10. I do so like the yellow, Chrissie. I had no idea Yucca plants grew in England. I like learning new things all the time. Thank you.

    May you have a healthy and happy week,

    Marianne xo

  11. Vibrant page and I have to ask are you now posh and own a yucca?lol.

  12. Great word choice, and I love your bright and breezy pages - I'm going to have to go and look up what Yucca will do for me now!
    Alison x

  13. fab pages and word choice...Love the vibrant yellow you have used ...Mmmm I own a yucca, does that mean I'm posh LOL!! ;)

  14. Fabulous pages Chrissie, I love the word you've chosen.
    xxx Hazel.


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