Art Journal Journey

Hi Friends and Followers every where and welcome to my blog on this very hot day in NE UK. I have just walked along the beach by the sea edge and it is still hot there so I am pleased to be back home in the shade of my craftroom-any excuse to do some crafting :)

I have tried all sorts of crafting but I have never made an art journal. Susi invited me to join in at Art Journal Journey so I looked to see what I had to use as a journal and I found a watercolour paper pad that I bought over 20 years ago by mistake as I used to use Gouache for my paintings and it didn't like that sort of paper.

The subject this time is Architecture so this is my very first page of my first Art Journal thanks to Susi and a little encouragement from Valerie as well.

I painted the background with various colours of H20 paints then drew the Japanese building in black pen and coloured it with felt tips. I have various Japanese type stamps so used a few of those to surround my drawing. Next I found this great quote by a Japanese architect.  There was still a space on the left so I added a butterfly to represent the 'butterfly effect'.

A butterfly is flying in Africa. A tsunami is devastating Japan

I recall this quote for some unknown reason though haven't a clue who said it.


  1. It's beautiful! So happy you decided to make this lovely page! When are you going to make the next one?? Hugs, Valerie

  2. WOW ! This is gorgeous Chrissie ! I love the background... Great choice of image and sentiment too ! You rock Lady ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  3. Well done Chrissie, it's beautiful. You are so talented.

  4. Oh Chrissie! This page is absolut beautiful! I love all about it and I am really happy to have you with us on Art Journal Journey!

    AMAZING! Yeah!

    Did you know that I am a bog Asia Fan?
    This wonderful page makes me really happy!
    Thank you!

    xxx Susi

  5. Thisis a great page and wow go you , what a great first creation! I am sure there will be lots more and soon your book will be full of lovely pages x hugs x

  6. So glad you were invited to make an art journal Chrissie, for this is truly gorgeous! Imagine what your book will look like, once all the pages have been filled! Hugs, Ira xox

  7. First page of a first Art Journal? - wow, that is terrific. I like the Japanese building with the pretty frame and the blossom, nice work.

  8. Chrissie, the journal is beautiful!! I love the soft, yet rich color-play, and the drawing of the Japanese building is wonderful. Who wouldn't love picking up that journal and filling it's pages with drawings, paintings, and writing. Exquisite!

    Can you tell me what H20 paints are? I've heard of Twinkling H20 paints - is that what you used, is there a different variety of them. I like the way they came out on your journal, and I am sorely ignorant of much of the latest art and craft supplies out there today.

    Enjoy a beautiful evening, my dear,

    Marianne xox

  9. A gorgeous page, love the background and the beautiful building.
    Yvonne x

  10. I do love this challenge and you came up trumps ;) Dxx

  11. Super page Chrissie, love the colours and perfect images too - lush

    Sam xxx

  12. What a wonderful first journal page, Chrissie... the colours are so lovely in the background, and I love your hand-drawn pagoda. Great quote too!
    Alison x

  13. A very beautiful first journal page, the colours and your hand drawn pagoda are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Lovely lovely page Chrissie :)
    Von ♥

  15. Beautiful work, and a beautiful country!.. I've never been there, but I have a cousin who lives in Japan, and the pictures she shares are GORGEOUS! Everything from architecture to festivals, the cherry blossoms, right down to the tiniest little insects she finds there! ~tina


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