Challenge 52-Hatters Birthday Game

Hello Everyone and a warm welcome to my new followers. Always lovely to have everyone pop in and comments are a big encouragement.

I can't believe that Out of a Hat Creations is a year old already. Time has just flown by and we are still enjoying crafting together and my husband is still pulling the themes from a hat which seems to work very well as we all contribute to the themes.

This week is an exception as it is the Hatters birthday we are having a game. The game was originally Janet's idea and I played around with it a bit and came up with what we have for this week.

The game is based on a spinning top and where it lands is the theme you use for this weeks project- for details of the spinner go to the Hatters. Hope lots of people will have fun with us for this special event.

This is what I made because the spinner landed on shopping bag for me

I knitted, crochet and sewed with a lot of old plastic bags from the supermarket and some black ones that we had thought were no good as they kept tearing when we used them for other things. This shopping bag is very strong though I imagine it might get longer if you put a lot of shopping in it. I have swapped it with Janet so she will be able to tell me what happens.

Do pop over to Janet ,Sandra and Tracey's blogs to see what they made for our birthday celebration

Love Chrissie xx

For anyone who would like to know how I made the 'plastic bag wool' here is a short tutorial
Any size or colour, plastic bag
cut off the top and the bottom

fold the remainder with the openings at the top and the bottom 

cut into equal width strips

open up the strips and tread one through the other then back through itself-as you would when adding ribbon to a tag

pull together and keep adding more of the strips in the same way

roll into a tight ball so it stretches the plastic a bit-not too much or it will break

 Use some fairly large, strong needles and knit as you would with wool-I used size 4

Love Chrissie xx


  1. What a cool idea and a fabulous bag! Thank you for the tutorial xx

  2. Your bag is totally fab! Hugs, Valerie

  3. You do have a lot of strings to your crafty bow and this bag is super cool! x

  4. what a great piece of recycling Chrissie, a fabulous bag. xx

  5. Awesome recycling Chrissie I would never have guessed it was from plastic bags and I would use

  6. Embarrassed pressed publish to soon . I would use the bag for sure Chrissie. Hugs Sandra X

  7. Goodness Chrissie, this is wonderful!! You have turned something so plain as plastic bags into a beautiful designer's bag! Well done you! BTW, do you still have some of that yummy cake left? Love to pop over to chat over a nice cuppa tea, lol! Hugs, Ira xox

  8. Wow, this is an excellent recyclingwork!!!!

  9. Oh my word... that's a real labour of love - amazing recycling!! What a fun birthday challenge - really hope I can play this week... happy birthday, in any case!
    Alison x

  10. Fantastic recycling. The bag is amazing, loved the tutorial.
    Yvonne x
    p.s. Happy Hatters Birthday

  11. Makes me wonder what you will get up to next ? You are a real crafting KNIT :) A brilliant idea but Lazy me just recycles mine . I remember years ago I made a rug out of old tights that I had died blue . hugs Max x

  12. What a great use of plastic bags. Way to upcycle, Chrissie! Can't wait to give the wheel a spin and see what comes up for the birthday challenge. Hugs, Tracy

  13. I know what hard work it is and just how many bags you need lol I crocheted one one a while back, love it with the black and the flowers :)
    Von ♥

  14. My goodness you have been very busy Chrissie. I've seen these bags but haven't had any idea how they were made, so thank you.

  15. Chrissie this is amazing, I love how you've knitted the colours into this xx

  16. Hi Chrissie,
    Your bag is amazing & I love it thanks for the swap,the shopping I have used it for has not been to heavy,so still the same size.great tut on how you made it.
    It doesn't seem a year ago we started Out of a Hat,it's fab crafting with you & Sandra,& great when fellow crafters join us,here's to our next year !!!
    Janet x

  17. That bag is great! What a wonderful way to use old plastic bags.


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