Every Inchie Monday--road sweeper

Hello Everyone and welcome to my new followers. So pleased to have reached 80 of these special friends and I do love to read your comments and visit your blogs.

At Every Inchie Monday this week we have the theme Road Sweeper. It seems that my mind is connected to, the very talented Hazel, and we had chosen the same image for the inchie even though there were hundreds to chose from. I have made another one as well which is quite different. It seems like we are on the same inchie wavelength almost every week.:)

I found this image of a road sweeper from the past and I drew around the image in black pen so that it would show up when I took the picture. I find that they pixelate so easily without defining the edges.

I did read a bit of the history of the road sweepers about the time of Jane Austen and they had an awful time with all the stuff in the streets that they had to clear late at night and before people got up.

Thanks for looking

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Love the inchie Chrissie love the image hope you are wellx

  2. He's great! I like the black outlining. That's a good idea.

  3. This is such a great image Chrissie, a real piece of history. Xx

  4. Fantastic inchie, so much detail in such a small area.
    Yvonne x

  5. love the look and color of this one. I am behind this week on mine But i do like yours alot

  6. A great inchie Chrissie, lovely image.

  7. A brilliant inchie Chrissie, I love the image and thank you for the lovely words you said about me, they say that great minds think alike.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. This is really so pretty. A lot of detail.

  9. Your inchie looks beautiful. I think the street sweeper of today have a esier life then the past ones.

  10. Horrified to find I'm not already following you - have sorted that out now!!
    Love this vintage inchie - what a fabuous image!
    Alison x

  11. What a fab image and how clever to outline the image really makes it stand out.



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