Challenge 45 Out of a Hat

Hello All. Hope you are feeling happy and healthy today and that 2013 is being good to you.

If you would like to be a part of our Friendship Quilt at the Hatters please look at the page here to find out more about it

This week at Out of a Hat Creations the challenge is to make a set of Three ATCs with any subject but each card must have red, green, white and black somewhere on them.

I thought it would be easy but I seemed to be stuck from the start for some reason. Do visit Janet and Sandra's blogs to see the beautiful work they have done for this challenge.

I digitally painted this face and used it on my set of ATCs by adding effects in Paint shop Pro.

Here she is pegged out to dry on the cactus cause I varnished the cards and it took ages for them to dry.

Here they are again all in a row.

I think when I see the word ATC my brain goes back to when an Artist Trading Card meant just that and they were an artist's own efforts printed onto little cards to hand out to show off their work. I must say that I am always happy working digitally and producing something unique even if it doesn't look as good as the terrific stamps we have all got used to now.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Love what you have made, but these colours are gonna be difficult for me - not my colours! But I will try! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Chrissie these are amazing, really unique, and such a striking colour combination xx

  3. Chrissie, these are fabulous! I love how they turned out. Great digital work. Hugs, Tracy

  4. Striking colours andthen look great pinned in amongst the cactus! Trace x

  5. All wonderful, love the faces and colours.
    Yvonne x

  6. Love the bright vivid colours and the green lips!!

    Sam xxx

  7. They are all great! I really love it!!!

  8. Love your ideas here Chrissie and what a use for your cactus!! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs Jenny x

  9. Hi Chrissie, love the ATC very pop art and they sure look good in the flesh. Hugs Sandra X

  10. Very pop art indeed Chrissie :) great work
    Von ♥

  11. Digitally coloured - wow - I've never thought of doing that Chrissie. Very creative.

  12. Your ATCs are wonderful Chrissie. The colours are fab.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. These are wonderful and I love the style you've achieved with this set. The closest I've come to going digital is a couple of digi stamps. x


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