Out of a Hat Challenge 38

Hi All--how are you today? I hope you are well and have had a nice crafting week.

Sorry to say that Florence has left Out of a Hat as she wants do other things. We have Florence to thank for getting the four 'Hatters' together in the first place. I have enjoyed seeing what she made each week and learning various techniques from her. Good Luck Florence in all that you do. Chrissie xxx

At Out of a Hat Creations this week the subject is Winter-hopefully this will get it out of the way quickly and we can think about Spring. I am still using things that Janet sent to me and we are swapping this project as we did the last one. This came about because Sandra and Florence were taking time out so Janet sent things for us to make the projects then swap them. It is such a great idea and I am sure we will do it again--thanks Janet

 I painted the circles Black though they don't show up too well on the photograph. They have been distressed with gold. The images are some I found online of vintage winter scenes. The flowers have been coloured by various means to give then a bit of texture and interest.

Do go to see what  Sandra and Janet have made and say hello if you have time--we all love to hear from you.

Thought I would show you this as well as I have made up a pattern and called it a scarf collar. I have worn mine several times and I knitted one for Vic and he has worn his as well which amazed me. I didn't put buttons on his as he is bald so no chance his hair will get ruffled if he pulls the collar over his head.

This is me wearing mine

what it looks like from the front

what it looks like from the back--the collar just fits around your neck then you fasten the button. I can't wear a whole big jumper under anything so this just fills the gap at the top of my coats.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Lovely winter hanger, very nicely made. Sorry Florence has left you! Your collar is just wonderful, I love it. Did you knit it with a pattern? Really great idea! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Great hanging Chrissie I love the vintage look, The collar is lovely and warm. great design. Hugs Sandra XXX

  3. I love your hanging Chrissie, I'm like you and looking forward to Spring already. Your collar looks lovely, what a very clever idea xx

  4. Lovely hanging the images are beautiful. The scarf collar is a great idea, loved your pattern.

  5. What a clever idea that collar is! I could never get the hang of knitting so I admire others' work. The hanging frames are great too.

  6. Great hanging but what a fab idea with your knitted creation

    Very fitting for winter!!

    Sam xxx

  7. Love your hanging Chrissie :) and I remember my mum knitting those for us when we were kids :)
    Von ♥

  8. Fabulous Chrissie,love your hanging that is a my craft room & my collar & cuffs,thank you sooo much
    Janet x

  9. The hanging is just lovely - beautiful scenes, beautifully framed! And the collar's very clever - I'm a big fan of the snood, and I guess yours is an even sleeker version of that!
    Alison x

  10. Hi Chrissie! I love both your projects. As you can see from my recent post, I have discovered knitting, and now have a new appreciation for knitters! Maybe some day I will be good enough to try a sweater or something as beautiful as your collar.
    Sorry to hear Florence has left but maybe you can convince her to make a guest appearance now and then. Have a lovely Christmas. All the best, Tracy xo

  11. Lovely hanger, do like what you did with the materials but the knitting!! Well, that is fantastic. Who's a clever girl?
    Brilliant work Chrissie.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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