Challenge 37- A Shrine-Out of a Hat Creations

Hello everyone and welcome to my new followers-hope you have had a happy and healthy week and enjoyed your crafting.

Must say I panicked a bit when I saw this challenge come Out of the Hat I had never made one before and wasn't even sure what it involved.

As I was going to be swapping mine with another of the Mad Hatters I needed to think how to use some of things she had sent for us both to have the same things to use on a few of the following challenges. We could use them on any of the next three challenges-then swap our makes. Thank you Janet for the idea and the great items you sent.

Janet sent the easel and canvas and the square shape that I used for the top of the shrine. She had also sent me the Hatter stamped image a while ago so I used that as well. It is by IndigoBlu-Alice 1. The wooden embellishments are from Crafty Emblies

I also made a box shrine but it was such a venture into the unknown and I am not really pleased with it.

I painted the outside of the box red then painted little 'flowers' around the edge. Then I stamped the quote straight onto the box--very brave.

 Inside are some little bits of tree, some pebbles and a sparkly heart.

If you want to see what the other Hatters have made click on their names Janet and Sandra

Love Chrissie xx


  1. I love all your makes Chrissie,they are fabulous...remember there are no mistakes in all of your makes are just perfect...I do so love the first make though...great use of the emblies...

    Sandie xx

  2. Love what you have made, and well done for trying something new! Lovely idea for the challenge as well! Hugs, Valerie

  3. These are both great makes. The box shrine is fantastic.

  4. These are wonderful Chrissie, I love what you have done with your box. Some challenges really do challenge don't they, I would have run away screaming from this one lol. Sue xx

  5. Both are fabulous Chrissie and I love the inside of your box :)
    Von ♥

  6. Oooh what a great idea to use the canvas. Shall have to get my thinking hat on for this one!!

    Sam xx

  7. Hi chrissie
    These shrines and unusual and very lovely. I particularly like the heart in the box-shrine- would make a unique valentines idea.

  8. Fabulous creations Chrissie love both of your shrines the details are amazing and as always so inspirational.


  9. Hi Chrissie,
    Love the canvas shrine & it's stunning IRL, I know it sits here beside me,your box is also fabulous
    Janet x

  10. Hi Chrissie both fab shrines you did work hard on them. Hugs Sandra X

  11. Your shrines are fabulous, Chrissie! I love the inside of your little red box. A little treasure. Hugs, Tracy


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