New Steampunk Character

I hope everyone is having a good day and the sun is shining on you. We are off to the cinema to see the latest James Bond film--not been to the cinema for ages so that will be exciting.

Thank you to all who left comments on my Out of a Hat post with a Steampunk character that I made based on one from the Steampunk Softies book by Sarah Skeate and Nicola Tedman. The comments were much appreciated and have spurred me on to make another character.

This one I have called Preshea Rexward and is based on the character in the book called Minerva Dupine.

Preshea, like Lydia, my first character, lives at Dreamcrank Manor and is also a 'Keeper'

She guards the precious cog which is the remaining piece that will be fitted into a machine create by the 'Master'. Only the 'Master' knows where the machine is located or what it's purpose may be. He has been gone from the manor for almost a year now but is due to return in a month.

I suppose I had better think what he may look like next lol.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. A wonderful character, I am looking forward to reading about the next one in the series.
    Yvonne x

  2. She is so cute I can't wait to hear the rest of the story and meet the Master!! Wonderful !!!
    hugs Max x

  3. Fantastically imaginative creation - thank you for the big smile that spread over my face as I read your post! Thank you also for your kind words over at Words and Pictures... much appreciated!
    Alison x

  4. Another fab steampunk doll Chrissie, you'll soon have a whole family and we will be hearing more of their adventures!!!

    Can't wait - Sam xxx

  5. wow Chrissie, that really is fantastic xx

  6. Another cool character and story, you are sooooo clever making these! I hope you enjoyed the film xx

  7. She is a stunner Chrissie :)
    Von ♥

  8. Fantastic !!! What a fabulous character I lover her. What a creative mind you have Chrissie, hope there are more to follow.


  9. What a fab make! And how clever! Love it! Trace x

  10. She's fabulous Chrissie.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Wow - she is brilliant Chrissie :)
    Gill x


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