OOAHC Challenge 31

Greetings to Everyone and a big thank you for all the people who take time to leave comments on my blog. I really appreciate them and the I get inspiration when I visit your blogs.

Hope you all enjoyed the decoration Challenge at Out of a Hat last week. There were some amazing decorations. Sorry that you missed the deadline Tracy as your tree ornament was fantastic. You can see it here everyone and there is a link to a video of how to make it.

This week sees the end of our October Christmas so let's make it the best yet. The challenge is to make a gift or stocking filler and that means lots and lots of ideas so the hardest part will be where to start. It has been an enjoyable month and the Christmas projects were nice to see amidst the hundreds of Halloween things that I have seen this month though I did enjoy entering some of those as well. Thank you to Florence for thinking up the idea and for posting all the messages for the month on the blog.

I made this from an idea I saw on the Internet a long time ago-sorry I can't find the link but mine ended up quite different anyway.
I drew the circle shape around a dvd and things just evolved from there. Made in felt with the stitching in embroidery silk and as many sewing bits and bobs added as I could find room for.

The flowers are made by using a Marianne designs die cut and my Cuttlebug and a silver bead for the centres.

These are my stocking fillers. A little holder that I designed for one tea bag. The tea bags smell glorious as they are a spicy Christmas type mix from the London Tea Company. These have all been sent to my daughter who is selling them for the Cat Protection funds. I am missing the smell of them already so must make some more to hang on the tree at Christmas for people to take a pick.

Don't forget to go along to see what Florence, Sandra and Janet have made this week and say hello if you have time.

Love Chrissie xx


  1. Two genius ideas there Chrissie, and boy have you been busy! May have to use that teabag packaging idea as part of a mini hamper. Hugs, Buttons x

  2. Fabulous work and wonderful ideas Chrissie. I love the tea bag packets.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. Great little gifts Chrissie

    Sam xx

  4. Clever you, that sewing kit is glorious I love it and i not even a sewer. As for the little stocking fillers they are so pretty and such a lovely gift idea.


  5. Fabulous makes and such great ideas, the sewing kit looks gorgeous.
    Yvoone x

  6. Hi Chrissie I love love love the sewing kit my kinda thing, and those little tea bag holders are wonderful
    . Hugs Sandra xxx

  7. Love the sewing tidy Chrissie :)
    and bet the tea bags did smell lovely too :)
    Von ♥

  8. Hi Chrissie. Wonderful sewing kit. Fabulous gift for any crafter or a first time sewer. I know a couple of young ladies that Santa is delivering sewing machines to this year. These little sewing kits would go brilliantly with those. Love the little gift packets.
    Regards Florence xxx

  9. Wonderful christmas present Chrissie ,very usful.love the tea bag packets.
    Janet x

  10. These are great projects, Chrissie! I really love the felt flowers and stitching on your little sewing kit, and I love anything tea! Hanging the tea packets on your tree to enjoy the smell and for friends to grab is a wonderful idea. May have to steal that one, lol! Tracy:)

  11. The sewing kit is really pretty Chrissie. The dark green and pale blue work together so well. Love the idea. The tea bag holders are wonderful too. Are they the size to pop in with a card?



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