OOAHAC Challenge 30

Hello Everyone

A very Happy Third Week of Out of a Hat Christmas Challenges

It all seems to be going very well and my Christmas stocks have made a fine start now. Nice that we had some people joining us again with their beautiful boxes and paper designs.

This week sees the turn of  Christmas decorations and as I am into making things from felt I decided I would make some felt snowflakes.

These are based on some from kits that my daughter buys to make elaborate Christmas stockings. They always look so lovely. The link for where she gets the kits is here and I think she has made almost all of them in the last couple of years. My snowflakes aren't as good as the ones on the stockings but I am pleased with them as they glitter with all the sequins and glass beads on them.

This is a larger decoration I made but it was hard to take a photograph of it. It is made out of squares 6 each of 2 inch squares and 3 inch squares. Just fold the corners of the squares into the centre and stick the corners to each other to make a box shape. The ribbon was threaded through the top and bottom pieces before they were stuck in place.

Do pop to see what the other Hatters have made for the challenge-Janet, Florence and Sandra and I hope you will join us in the challenge and have fun along the way


  1. These are all lovely and would make wonderful gifts too!

  2. The snowflakes are so pretty... and that box/star creation is so clever - great architectural shapes!
    Alison x

  3. Those snowflakes are absolutely gorgeous! The other decoration is very cool too but I just adore those snowflakes - am I repeating myself!! I think you must get the feeling I like them a lot! xx

  4. Love your projects, the felt snowflakes are gorgeous.

  5. Love all of your decorations Chrissie but the felt snowflakes have stole the show for me. They are wonderful. Fabulous photo. Your garden must be really pretty this time of year.
    Regards Florence xx

  6. Beautiful decorations, I love the pretty snowflakes.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Do you think you could come and do my tree this year, last year I made over 200 felt hearts for mine and they weren't half as good as these beauties, just stunning Chrissie


  8. Chrissie, Beautiful and sparkly I love em. Hugs Sandra XXX

  9. I adore those felt decorations Chrissie. They are real family heirloom pieces. You are going to have a fab tree this year methinks! Have a great weekend, hugs Buttons x

  10. fantastic Chrissie, hope you are well, love the snowflakes xx

  11. They are just beautiful Chrissie :)
    Von ♥

  12. Fabulous decoration's Chrissie,love the snow flakes
    Janet x

  13. Great Christmas makes, Chrissie! You are off to a great start in preparation for Christmas. All you need is snow - ok not so fast! But is that a fern I see in one of your pictures? It looks like summer where you are, lol! Hugs, Tracy

  14. These are just beautiful Chrissie. Love, love, love them.

  15. The fern is an indoor plant Tracy and we have snow forecast for Thursday- help!!

    Love Chrissie xxx


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