Steampunk at JFF

Well they have a fun subject at Just for Fun this week. I have only ever made Steampunk anything once before and not sure I grasped the concept then--well still not sure to be honest lol. Loved looking at the DTs samples and also all the entries so far and wish I hadn't made mine yet cause I came away with lots of ideas after seeing all the others lol.

This is a photograph of my dad and my aunt--everyone seemed to have a picture taken sitting on or near to a moon shape in the olden days lol My dad was a design engineer and I am sure he would have loved to know that he is now part of a Steampunk piece of art :)--or is it?  It is about postcard size.

If I have time I would like to do another one now I have seen all of the great work from everyone else.


  1. Hi Chrissie ! Looks like you totally grasped the theme ! It's amazing I just love it ! Also love the fact that you used a family photo and the glasses are genius. I too wanted to enter again after I saw everyone else s entries lol. Hope you have a gret weekend.


  2. Wow, this looks Fab Steampunk, love the specs as well, great addition. Yvonne xx

  3. Oh yes this is Steampunk, well it is to me, and how apt that your Father became an engineer brilliant. Thank you for sharing this great fun piece with us at Just for Fun. XOXO Zoe

  4. Oh yeah this is fab, definitely steampunk and I think it's fab you've used a photo with your family in it and those goggles are perfect!!!

    Thanks for playing with JFF this week

    Sam xxx

  5. I just love those goggles you have put on the children. What a fab idea for your Steampunk piece. So glad you enjoyed it and look forward to seeing a second one from you. Go on, go for it! Thanks for joining us with this fab entry. Hugs, Neet x

  6. Another hit Chrissie :)always love the way you incorperate family pics in your work cery inspired :)
    Thanks for playing along and go for it if you want to do another :)
    Von xxx

  7. I think you did a great job!! I love that picture!
    And you should make another steampunk piece!! For no reason, just because it is really fun!

  8. Fantastic tag love the photo
    Janet x

  9. Oh how wonderful that they are your


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