Whimsical King Shrine

I saw a blog with a King or Queen challenge but have lost it again. That is a good lesson to learn I reckon--I must add links to places I might want to visit again. Just added a few so will keep it up.

I am watching The Tudors on television and keep thinking about what would happen in today's world if women were treated so badly. That inspired me to make this

A friend just gave me the link to the challenge -just in the nick of time--it is here


  1. Very creative of you Chrissie :) Wonder what the ruby will inspire you to make :P
    Von xxx

  2. here is the challenge you wanted and you just have time to enter as it closes today!

    Great piece and good luck XOXO Zoe

  3. Fantastic shrine! Thanks for playing the Gingersnap Creations Kings and Queens Challenge!


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