
Showing posts from August, 2017

Stitching at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone and welcome to Jumbled Crafts today. Thank you for calling in and I hope you have come to see what we have for you as our new challenge at Try it on Tuesday The theme this time is Stitching, Real or Faux I started off with three strips of matching piece of fabric and stitched them with lace on top of the join. I used black thread to show up the stitching. This was mounted onto a piece of white card. It needed something else so I made a Suffolk puff with a button in the middle and fastened this onto the card. Then all was attached with brads to my card blank. It is for a friend so added her initial as well. Hope you will join us at TIOT with your ideas for the challenge. Still another week to join in at Tag Tuesday as well Love Chrissie xx

Try it on Tuesday-Garden

Hi All and a big welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Always great to have people call in and thank you for all the comments you leave here Today we start a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday and the theme is' In My Garden'. Not everyone has a garden so it could be one you dream about, make up or visit sometimes--just do what you think will fit the theme best for you. If you need any ideas our wonderful team have made projects to inspire you so pop along to TIOT to see their makes and also why not visit their blogs if you have time. I made a double sided pocket card and a matching envelope to send it in. Not easy to photograph through the plastic sleeve. All the photographs were taken in our garden by Vic. The garden is small but has lots of wonderful shrubs and flowers. side one side two  These are the photographs printed out ready to cut to fit the pockets Garden quotes and sayings I found in various place and made small enough to fit my ATC size cards. A reminder that there is still

Postcards at TIOT

Hello to all who pop in and thank you for your visit. Time for a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday  where we invite you make something that follows our theme but in any style or medium you like. Our wonderful team have made their projects to inspire you so I hope you will pop over to TIOT and see what they have made and also have a quick look at our rules to make sure you are following those when you enter the challenge. The theme for this challenge is Postcards so you can make a postcard or use a postcard on anything else that you have made.  Here is my postcard and the foreground is digitally made and printed onto a painted background. The edging of flowers is stamped and coloured and the stamp is from a beautiful little set from Crafty Individuals  CI-293 This is the back of the postcard and I painted the other side. Another version printed onto a different painted background This is a png version of the digital part of the postcard that I printed onto the painted backgrounds Hope