
Showing posts from May, 2011

Tea Cards Challenge at JFF

Sorry I was away last week and only just got back so I missed the post card challenge. Here is one for all of you that I just made from juggling 3 photographs in PSP my husband took 2 of me and I took one of him with our heads through the holes lol-I also took more pics of him with his head through all the holes and that postcard is hilarious. I only have today to craft then my daughter and son-in-law arrive tomorrow until next Tuesday and that will be like another holiday for us as well. Here is my set of 'tea cards' for the Just for Fun Challenge --Hope I can fit in another set before next Thursday. I used white catd and stamped a few things for the background then stamped the frog, bee and snail and coloured those with Promarkers- well you did say colourful :)

Challenge 155 at Sketch Saturday

I love trying the sketches here at Sketch Saturday -always something new to think about with all the layers.

Scraplings at Just For Fun

This week at Just for Fun  in the Size Matter Challenge, it is to make a scrapling. Strange that I have only recently found out from Von what a scrapling is. Here is one I have made today. For all of you that said about layers and the great bicylce stamp--I have to confess that they are on the backing paper that I used. I did stamp other things on there and wished I had done it all now--she says blushing. Beautiful samples as usual from the team at JFF

Another Inchies Entry

Here is another little something I made for the Inchies Challenge at Just for Fun  . I felt inspired when I downloaded some freebie digital images of vintage ladies with hats

Size Matters at Just for Fun

Just love the challenges at Just for Fun  as they make me think. Also I love the comments from the ladies-some are so funny and a real pleasure to read. I have learnt this week that inchies aren't as easy as I thought they would be and that I should have gone for something smaller than a card to make them show on their own. Well I have plans for something smaller as well so may have 2 goes at this challenge-so what's new there lol. Love the samples by the team and the entries so far. I stamped a background on foil card and then a flower as well to make the inchies. Then I realised they were tiny so stuck them onto a black square, then another square, then onto a card.

Sketch Saturday Challenge 153

Not sure why I found this sketch at Sketch Saturday  difficult but I did-must have been having a bad craft day yesterday lol Not sure I should have used the Promarkers around the edges of the different papers but too late to change all that now. Thank you for the sketch-they are always great for inspiration.